Hello Racers! Round 3 has passed by. This combo was BL2R with RB4. First time a 4WD car was used in this cup. 2 drivers reached the Main Final with 3 straight wins, Blixt and Eriksson. In the A-Final Nilsson got a flyer out of the grid and finally won the Final ahead of Rigglöv and Berglund. Berglund still leads but Gelin, who only finnished 4th in the C-Final has dropped down.
Tonight it's time for round three (3) of the very popular AARC. 20:00 UTC it starts and it looks like 20+ drivers this time aswell. Some rules have changed so any immature behaviour should now be gone.
Important news
------------------------------ I've got a flue. A really bad one. It's getting worse for each day now. I will go and see a doctor tomorrow, and get some medicin, because rignt now i'm almost killing myself. We will see how it will be on the sundays race. I could move it one week if i dont have the power to do it. Anyhow, 24h before the race i will post my desicion.
Each driver has 2 minutes to come back after "Timed out" or anything like it. I did not forget/drop behind any driver during the race, i has happened once or twice, but not this time. And the Swedish Folkrace rules are over 200 pages, you really want them to be posted?
And about the dyving. It's not a problem IRL, is it? No it isnt, because there is something called "Bug/Lag". IRL The driver would not have recived even a warning, wich makes it difficult to judge. If you are a better judger then me or anyone else who judged, you are free to annouce yourself as a volantair.
Hello racers. Replay from the stream is now avaible on the link below. Dont mind all the arguing, it will not be like that at the next round, i promise.
If so: I wrote about 5 minutes before and asked everyone exept the racers who was signed to leave. Then i kicked people who still were there (After asking them if they wanted to join the race). I did not ban i think. (We had password).